Wednesday, August 13, 2008

omfg roflol

its really amazing how many lifeless followers of the morning crew Gotcha there are in this uni of mine... lemme tell u why..

::Beginning of the story:::
it was around 8'ish' and i drove to uni today cause i have to stay late for taekwando practice.. so i went to the monash free parking to park *obviously*... i finally found a free spot ** phew!!!** and the gotcha was playing on air.. i follow the gotchas, but i have better things to do, so i decided to leave and as i turned off the engine, the gotcha call ended, and at that point, guess what happened.... 6 ppl actually turned off the ignition and walked out of their cars... AT THE SAME TIME!!!....

:: end of story...::

m really very sorry, but i feel that its a topic worth discussing, as it is most certainly proof of the media's hold on society..if anybody has noticed, there is not a single place on civillized land that is free from the influence of media, be it advertistments, news, radio... it is all around you... even this blog is considered to be a form of mass media as it is an open source of information, be it private or public or informational or ridiculous..... most of you people won't get past a day without looking for your favorite artists online.. heck, even i need to read the paper before i sleep, or i'll never sleep happy... i need to at least go to Yahoo! News once a day... seriously, it is in our lives and it will never be out, provided that you live in a place other than the jungle... in some ways it is good, in some it is bad.. weirdly, it is mostly both at the same time.. its good for us when we read news about the mistakes of others so that we can learn form their mistakes and then improve ourselves, but it is not good for those with the mistake, as it will tarnish their image forever. its really up to journalists to decide... if they are willling, they can make a man look good on print or they can make a man cry for mercy.. the can turn around the day of most superstitious freaks with two words- "Bad Luck" in the horoscope section... they even decide on what girls should wear and what they shouldn't... media is a good thing but with a few strokes of a pen or keboard, it can turn into the most evillest of evils there ever was..
as they say, the pen s mightier than the sword, unless u r dumb enough to try and cut a watermelon with a pen...

anyways... im tired out from dance cass and taekwando today.. nitez yall!!!


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