Friday, May 29, 2009


today, i was in uni from 7.15...
today i studied in the cafe ; like SOLID 2 HOURs of study.. like from 8 ish to almost 11.. so makes it almost 3 hours... i had a bit of lunch and *missing time frame of events* until 3...

I had an exam today.. and i am happy cuz i actually knew what i was dong for once.. of course being a little relaxed from watching half hour of a movie and other things helped me to focus in the exam..

well... after the exam, i decided i earned myself some time out.. so i went to a LAN party till 6 and then...
yes folks.. i watched a mushy movie.. cried my ass off in the uni library.. thank goodness i have a hoodie to protect my face from prying arseholes...if not, MALU!!!!

this was a really good movie.. im considering downloading it cause its a good cry movie... i mean.. WOW... a lil bit predictable...
boy is an ass.. boy gets punished.. boy meets girl.. girl helps boy.. boy falls in love with girl.. they get together.. girl dies...
but i really love it.. its a love story, so its good to me.. hahahaha..
other than that.. nothing much today weh.. now..


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